Volunteering at QMS

Story appeared in the 2013 issue of QMS Connections Magazine.


With the help of volunteers, QMS continues to provide an exceptional education for its students. Study after study has shown a direct correlation between student success and family support in the school environment. Whether it is spending 15 minutes each morning to read to your child and his or her classmates or helping govern the school by serving on the QMS Board of Governors, when parents volunteer their time at QMS, it shows they are partners in their child’s education. Here are three familiar faces around campus.


Stephanie Gibbs

Doing the laundry for a six-person family may seem like more than enough for one person, but at certain times of the year, parent volunteer Stephanie Gibbs does the laundry for the entire school!

Her role as coordinator for the PA-run uniform recycling program (the Unicycler) not only involves washing and pressing, it also requires careful bookkeeping and coordination of payouts, as well as a good knowledge of inventory to help new parents navigate the tight quarters of the Unicycler Store.

Monies raised through the Unicy-cler program help supplement the PA’s other fundraising efforts, all of which have led to very generous donations to the school.

Stephanie is not the only Gibb family member to give her time to the school; her husband, Dr. Mark Gibbs, is a member of the QMS Board of Governors and is often seen at school events, cheering on his four children and supporting the school.


Dale Krikke

Whether it’s donning a sparkly blue cowboy hat to encourage 50/50 ticket sales at the Spring Barn Dance & Auction or helping to organize an Easter Egg hunt for Primary students, PA Treasurer Dale Krikke is an enthusiastic volunteer for the school’s parent-led fundraising endeavors.

Although she’ll be ceding her official role in the PA Executive in September 2013 to focus on her own business and family, she’ll still be a prominent fixture at the school, helping to organize events like the annual PA Parent Wine & Cheese and the Christmas Bazaar.

Giving to the school is a family endeavor for the Krikkes, who are seen at almost every school event. Thomas Krikke, Dale’s husband, takes advantage of an employer charitable giving program at his work which recognizes his volunteer hours at the school with a financial donation to the school in his name. Thomas also selflessly bought a number of home-baked pies at the 2012 Christmas Bazaar to support the school’s fundraising endeavors. Thanks, Thomas!


Judith Parsons

Over the years, Judith Parson’s involvement with Queen Margaret’s School has taken many roles, from parent volunteer to Chair of the Parents’ Association, to Chair of the Governance Committee on the QMS Board of Governors (present role). Throughout it all, she has been a steadfast supporter of the school, bringing her life experiences as an elite athlete, international corporate banker, and as a parent to her cur-rent role on the Board.

As the current Chair of the Governance Committee, Judith’s role is to monitor the Board’s activities in relation to the QMS Society Bylaws. She is also in charge of reviewing and updating the terms of reference for the various committees of the Board.

Although her daughter, Emma, graduated in 2013, Judith remains committed to QMS, the school that offered so many opportunities for Emma.