Message from the Head of School and the Chair, Board of Governors

Story appeared in the 2018 issue of QMS Connections Magazine.


Education is not a tool for development… it is the foundation for our future. It is empowerment to make choices and emboldens the youth to chase their dreams.

In his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey shares his insights into living a truly effective life. Before anything else, according to Covey, you must have a solid two-fold foundation that includes self-mastery and a sense of direction.

Self-mastery is highlighted by the awareness that we are the creators of our own reality, that we have the ability to consciously orchestrate our own experience of life. Between what goes on around us and how we respond, there is choice, and with choice, responsibility.

When we acknowledge that we are the creators of our own reality and have the ability to make choices, a sense of direction is then needed. An internal compass, a clear set of values, and guiding principles by which we operate and navigate through the complexities of the world is part two of Covey’s solid foundation. When we unearth this individual sense of direction, we tap into the natural flow of life. We become more generous, giving and placing value on others and ourselves.

The cornerstone of a Queen Margaret’s education, past and present, is this solid foundation of self-mastery and sense of direction. Through our student-centred approach to teaching and learning—underscored by a focus on character building and service— our students are guided to discover these foundational gifts and build their future success. Students are encouraged to cultivate a joy of learning and develop confidence in their abilities in a variety of disciplines. Through the support of faculty and staff, complemented by partnerships with parents, students recognize the value of positive, engaged community connections, where the opportunity to give back is as fulfilling to those who give as it is to those who receive.

As highlighted in the Alumni stories within this 6th edition of Connections Magazine, once we have mastered ourselves and we have a sense of direction, then we need not fear transitions and change. Instead, we can embrace it and use it creatively, integrating new learning and insight into our lives, reaching higher peaks of personal and social achievement.

Building strong foundations is a process, but when executed well, the results ripple across every aspect of our communities, both locally and globally. We are proud of the accomplishments of our QMS students and staff, past and present! Our wish is that you take the strong foundation you have gained from your QMS experience and build upon on it, following your passions and achieving your dreams!