The Fine Arts Inspire Tomorrow's Creative Thinkers

Story appeared in the 2013 issue of QMS Connections Magazine.


Walking into the Arts and Culture Salon, one cannot help but be engulfed in a wave of sights, sounds and smells. Laughter and song lift one’s spirit, cultural treats entice the taste buds, and creative works inspire reflection and contemplation. It is an annual event that is not to be missed.

Left: Grade 1 students Ava Ling David, Hannah Cohen and Wyatt Mellings at the Junior School Christmas Concert   Right: Grade 1 student Ethan Picard practices his guitar

Left: Grade 1 students Ava Ling David, Hannah Cohen and Wyatt Mellings at the Junior School Christmas Concert
Right: Grade 1 student Ethan Picard practices his guitar

Grade 6 student Gabrielle Austin with her big sister, Dominque (‘12) at the annual Arts & Culture Salon

Grade 6 student Gabrielle Austin with her big sister, Dominque (‘12) at the annual Arts & Culture Salon

Under the direction of Fine Arts Department Head, Ms. Angela Andersen, Music Director, Ms. Alison Hounsome and music/drama teacher, Mr. Robert Gordy, the entire scene reflects the breadth of programming options available at QMS and the value given to Arts Education.

There is growing evidence, sup-ported by new findings in brain research and cognitive development, that suggests Arts Education improves student learning. Closely linked to academic achievement, Arts Education is also said to improve motivation, concentration, confidence, teamwork, and critical thinking. A QMS Arts Education aids students in the development of skills needed in the 21st century: flexibility, the ability to solve problems, to communicate ideas and emotions, the ability to learn new skills, to experiment, to be creative and innovative yet pay attention to detail, and to strive for excellence.

Opportunities exist at all levels, both within the curriculum and through optional extra-curricular clubs and programs, for students to explore their passions and build skills.

Visual Arts Program

Student art works are displayed throughout the hallways of QMS and in the local community, showcasing the creativity and talents of our young artists. However, according to Fine Arts Department Head, Ms. Angela Andersen, “There is so much more to art education than the end product. The process is about exploration, discovery, inquiry, creativity, and pushing beyond basic assumptions.”

As an artist herself, Ms. Andersen understands how important it is to feel passionate and in control of what you are doing, and this informs her practice as an art teacher.

Ms. Andersen supports the notion that the arts build community. She explains, “Young people desire to have a voice, to have an impact and to make a positive impression in the world.” Through unique opportunities, students have connected with the community. The Cowichan Valley Arts Council Youth Outreach Program brought together the expertise of local professional artists and students in Grades 11 and 12. Through this program, students gained exhibition experience and built their portfolios informed by the lessons and insights of professional artists.

Ms. Andersen is passionate about the benefits of being an empowered creator and encourages her students to become literate visual thinkers and motivated creators, skills that are transferrable to a range of life experiences that extend well beyond the reach of the arts studio.

Performing Arts Program

Nothing quite announces the upcoming Christmas holiday break as the annual Junior School Christmas Concert and Breakfast with Santa. Mr. Robert Gordy, music and drama teacher, views the performing arts as “the opportunity to put learning into action.” In many ways, Mr. Gordy notes, “The performing arts prepare students for the rigors of real life. Many will be called upon to make public presentations or be convincing in the auditorium or at the board table. They will have to project their voice and maintain continuity of their thoughts. They will encounter dead-lines and pressure to perform to their potential.”

Under the direction of QMS Acting Coach, Bobbi Rowntree, the QMS Senior Drama Club staged a successful and provocative production of The Cage Birds. This eight-woman play examined the weighty topics of oppression, indoctrination and self-imposed isolation. Grade 12 student Emma Parsons has participated in school plays since she started attending QMS in Grade 9. The Honours with Distinction student notes, “I enjoy acting. It gives me a chance to be someone else and try new things.”

Grades 8 to 10 Drama students as well were given the opportunity to put learning into action. In their production of The Death and Life of Sneaky Fitch, students applied their drama techniques in a highly convincing and entertaining performance. When problems arose, performers quickly improvised lines, adjusted focus, and kept the action moving forward. Mr. Gordy also gives credit to the audience from within Queen Margaret’s School and the local community. According to Mr. Gordy, “Students benefit from the pressure and energy of a live audience and responded by thinking on their feet and being aware of the continuity of the performance. Enthusiastic audiences help build confidence in our students and pave the way for further successes.”

The QMS Chapel Choir

The QMS Chapel Choir


Music Program

Mrs. Alison Hounsome believes music is a universal language that unifies and connects all ages, abilities, and cultures. At QMS, music creates and builds community. Mrs. Hounsome sees the music program as “a living, dynamic force that evolves and changes, creating opportunities, challenges and ultimately a sense of accomplishment” for whomever walks through her classroom doors. In addition to the Chapel Choir, the Chamber Orchestra, and band classes, Mrs. Hounsome has formed and mentored a variety of new groups, including a Jazz Ensemble, Chamber Ensemble, and Rock Band. For one student, the natural ability to recognize and produce complex rhythms has provided an opportunity to shine in front of his peers. Another talented musician with many years of private training has taken full advantage of opportunities available to hone her skills, being an active participant in the Jazz Band, Choir, Chamber Orchestra, and the Chamber Ensemble. Adept at playing a number of instruments, a third student has been encouraged to pursue her passion for music and has been given opportunities to perform original compositions during Chapel, at the QMS Poetry Café, and at the opening reception of the Annual Art Exhibit.

Whether it be studying theory, taking responsibility for an instrument, or performing at an assembly, Mrs. Hounsome encourages students to persevere and pay attention to detail, be patient with and supportive of themselves and others, and enjoy the experience of making music.