The Capacity to Create Our Own Future

Head’s Message

Story appeared in the 2014 issue of QMS Connections Magazine.


Capacity is defined as the ability to do things; adaptive capacity involves the complimentary and often destabilizing quest for change in pursuit of improved performance, relevance and impact.


Organizations that possess adaptive capacity challenge established ways of thinking and doing things, success-fully crafting and adopting more effective methods. Adaptive capacity aptly describes the growth mindset that was and continues to be part of the culture of Queen Margaret’s School. Building on the strong foundations established by our founders, Miss Denny and Miss Geoghegan, and subsequent Heads of School, QMS has continued to evolve.

In his book, The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization, Peter Senge famously coined a “learning organization” as one where people are continually learning how to learn together. Such organizations are continually expanding their capacity to create their own future. They are adept enough to anticipate and reflect on changes, becoming better because of them.

Throughout the history of QMS, the four pillars of a QMS education have provided the architecture that ensured the vision of our Founders is realized: “to educate generations of children who would go out into the world with the stamp of the school upon them and with its ideals in their hearts.” (p. 23) Interwoven within this educational framework is the ideal that together we are stronger.

Then, as now, the building of com-munity has been paramount to the success of the school. Using their common interest in Guiding as a starting point, Miss Denny and Miss Geoghegan began their journey as friends. Together with the support of family, and actively seeking and accepting the help and advice of friends, parents and the community, they accomplished great things—our legacy.

So what about QMS today? During this past school year, we have under-taken the task to develop a renewed Strategic Plan that will set our direction as we approach our centenary. In addition to reflecting on the rapidly changing and complex conditions that exist outside of our organization, all stakeholder groups have been asked to share their thoughts on our reason for being and the future we aspire to. My gratitude goes out to all those who participated in this process. Your feedback has enriched our discussions.

I am pleased to say that thanks to the ongoing support of our community, the insights and expertise of our dedicated faculty and staff, and leadership from our Board of Governors and Senior Management Team, QMS is both steadfast and resilient. We cultivate both stability-endowing and change-promoting capacities as complementary, not competing, ideals. Together, we truly are a learning organization, expanding our capacity to create our own future.