Our New Strategic Plan

Story appeared in the 2015 issue of QMS Connections Magazine.


Our 2013-14 school year was characterized by consultation and development of a strategic plan that reflected the shared wisdom and vision of our community.


In its articulation, a course has been set for our centenary in 2021 and beyond that will challenge us to reach our collective potential with courage and resilience. It celebrates our ability as a small independent school to be adaptive and flexible, and acknowledges the powerful strength of our community. Above all, it reinforces the values and character upon which the school was built, and inspires us to innovate while we continue a legacy of excellence in education.

The formal launch of the 2014-2021 Strategic Plan to the QMS Society at the AGM in November 2014 signalled a call to action for the board and staff of our School. As a result, the 2014-15 school year has been characterized by action: now is the time to start delivering on the strategies and goals identified and bring our strategic plan to life. For many, that has meant mapping the strategic plan to our daily activities, connecting our values and setting priorities for the years ahead.

Throughout the pages of this magazine, you will read the voices of students, alumni, and our staff—the people of Queen Margaret’s School. Each individual shares a unique perspective on the school and its impact on his or her life. Each article celebrates and showcases our achievements throughout the year and how, through their successes, members of our community live the values of Queen Margaret’s School: Intellectual Curiosity, Courage, Diversity, Accountability, Integrity, Legacy, Safety and Service.

In keeping to our commitment to accountability, you will also find a series of metrics placed throughout the magazine, quick hits that track our accomplishments. These measures not only trace our progress, but energize and challenge us to do more in the years ahead.

Without our dedicated staff and Board, hardworking students, devoted alumni and enthusiastic parents, we would not be able to even begin to achieve the goals and outcomes of our Strategic Plan. We’re off to a great start!