Opening Doors of Opportunity

From the Head’s Desk

Story appeared in the 2013 issue of QMS Connections Magazine.


The expression “Opening Doors” suggests new opportunities or possibilities.


As we look back on the intentions of our founders, Miss Geoghegan and Miss Denny, or look forward to the opening of our new Learning Centre in the fall of 2013, the hopes and expectations remain the same. A QMS Education exists to open doors to a larger world of opportunities, so that each student “will go out from the School to take their place in the world.” Each and every day brings new challenges, changing relationships, and enriching experiences. Each day opens doors of opportunity.

Queen Margaret’s School defines, elevates and advances, beginning with a strong set of core values that define who we are and govern our relationships with one another. Together, we create a culture that embraces possibility, a place where students, within a safe and supportive community, can explore and reach their potential.

Queen Margaret’s School encourages openness, inclusion and connection. We are a culturally diverse community committed to sharing different perspectives and insights about the world.

We encourage students to step outside of their comfort zones and reach out to our local and global com-munities, creating a better world. The design of our educational programs supports conversation, dialogue, and communication. Students are taught to seek information yet provided with space and time for reflection and engagement with their learning.

Queen Margaret’s School is con-verging, flexible, and adaptable. A convergence of tradition and innovation exists on campus; a focus on service learning is balanced with increased use of technology and global citizenship while offering the opportunity to practise teamwork and collaboration.

Our continued campus development reflects best practices in teaching and learning, and comprehensive curricular and co-curricular programs support individual student needs.

A QMS Education is a gateway that links the past with the future, holding dear while our traditions and values, empowering our students to be caring, globally-minded learners and leaders. A QMS Education is a doorway to a growing world of opportunities.

Thank you for continuing to support and believe in our school. Together we will continue to open doors to new facilities, new learning experiences, and life-long friendships.