Old Girls Weekend 2014

Story appeared in the 2014 issue of QMS Connections Magazine.


QMS was pleased to welcome back Old Girls, past staff and faculty to the Reunion Weekend of 2014.

Shirley Burr and Bruce McPherson

Shirley Burr and Bruce McPherson

Old Girls from the Classes of 1954, 1959, 1963, 1965, 1981, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996 and 2004 enjoyed reconnecting with friends, classmates and former teachers.

After the Alumni Chapel Service on Sunday morning, the Grad Class of 2014 joined the OOMA and other guests as Miss Shirley Burr planted a memorial tree in front of the new Learning Centre in memory of Miss Phoebe Spurgin. Following the tree planting ceremony, Grads joined the gathered alumnae for a special luncheon and were presented with their "Old Girls" pins.

Lauren Bailey, Tracy Arden, Twyla Downey, Emma Benson, Jayme Knox (Pellin, ’81).

Lauren Bailey, Tracy Arden, Twyla Downey, Emma Benson, Jayme Knox (Pellin, ’81).

Betty Goodacre, Melissa Montgomery (Spencer), Vivian Lee (Wu), all class of ’84.

Betty Goodacre, Melissa Montgomery (Spencer), Vivian Lee (Wu), all class of ’84.

Class of 2014

Class of 2014