Celebrating Our Extended Family
Story appeared in the 2013 issue of QMS Connections Magazine.
Baba, Oma, Papa, Nana, Yaya, Granny, Nanny or Bumpa – no matter how you say it, grandparents hold a special place in the hearts of children.
This year’s Grandparent’s Day was especially well attended with approximately 80 grandparents and significant elders in attendance. The special guests and their grandchildren gathered in Karin Quinn Hall and enjoyed refreshments together and a few words of welcome from Mrs. Jamieson, Head of School.
Hannah Cohen enjoys tea with her grandparents
Mr. Schneider, Junior School Chaplain, led a Grandparent-themed chapel service filled with humour and appreciation for the elders in our lives. Students also took their grandparents on a tour of the school, including the Equestrian Centre, the Primary Centre, the Primary Garden and Founders’ Hall, where all enjoyed the amazing art on display for the Arts and Culture Salon.
Grandparent’s Day is clearly a hit at Queen Margaret’s School. Filled with smiles, laughter and a strong sense of community, this event al-lows primary students to share their school with extended family. By shar-ing this experience, grandparents appreciate the special place that is QMS. As several grandparents concurred, “We are so happy that our grandchildren go to QMS.”
The Grade 2 and 3 classes perform “The Dinosaur Song” for their enthusiatstic audience of grandparents and special elders
Scott Dodd and his grandfather share a moment